
The Harvest Dashboard Widget

Harvest Dashboard Widget

As a web designer and overall tech geek, I love productivity tools. I love software that helps save me time, organize my files, or streamline any process I execute multiple times daily. I love browsing iusethis.com for the latest freeware software tools.

I use one tool daily that is worth every penny I pay for it. It’s an online time-tracking service called Harvest. It has great tracking/reporting tools, easy invoicing, and an intuitive interface, but the feature that makes it priceless for me every day is the OSX dashboard widget. I work on any number of projects everyday, tracking time spent on each separately, and I often have to switch from one to another.

Say I’m working on a logo design, and I get a call from a new website client. I simply pull open my dashboard and click on the plus sign in the Harvest widget. All the projects I have setup at the Harvest website are available for me to choose, it immediately starts tracking my time on the new website project, and all my times are stored online for reports or invoicing. When I get off the phone, I simply click on the logo project to start tracking that again, and I continue with what I was doing. Fantastic!

(as you can see from the screenshot, I’m blogging right now. I can get a little anal about my time tracking)

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One Response to “Harvest”

  • This is a great post (we understand your obsession with time tracking as well…) Thanks for the shoutout, if you need anything please get in touch.

    Commenter   |   04.01.09

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