Project Moustache May – In Progress

It’s Moustache May, and disparate group of moustache wearers have gathered again at The official rules are as follows:

You Moustache May:

  1. Have / Grow a glorious moustache
  2. Post one image per day
  3. Participate in frequent shenanigans

You Moustache May NOT:

  1. Go more than one week without posting.
  2. Detract from your moustache with other overly prominent facial hair.
  3. Be mean spirited, vulgar, or socially inappropriate.
  4. Photoshop your images. Let’s keep it classy.

In addition to following these rules, I made Moustache May a personal project this year. My brother helped me build a stand that suspends a pane of glass between myself and the camera, and I’ve been creating a drawing each day and photographing the combination of myself and the drawing. My progress through May 16 is below (click to enlarge). Follow the madness and see full size images here.

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